
svelte-notify adds capibility of creating notifications in a svelte application. By default it is positioned at the bottom-right of the screen. The notifications can be generated with different color defining type of the message. It can be one of the following

  • default
  • success
  • danger
  • info
  • warning

Installing svelte-notify

npm install svelte-notify


To use notifications, the app should import Notifications component from "svelte-notify".

  import Notifications from "svelte-notify";

<Notifications />

The notification works when notify function is triggered which is imported from the same package.

import { notify } from "svelte-notify";

notify takes an object to define the message.

import { notify } from "svelte-notify";

  title: /* Message title */,
  message: /* Message */,
  timeout: /* Timeout in millis */,
  type: /* Type as string */,
  showAlways: /* Boolean */
  • type must be one of the above given types.
  • showAlways must be a boolean which tells the alert to always stay on the screen or fade away with time (the timeout).

svelte-notify also ships with one more functions clearAll.

import { clearAll } from "svelte-notify";


It clears all the notifications on the screen.

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