bun-turborepo-elysia-svelte-docker Svelte Themes

Bun Turborepo Elysia Svelte Docker

this is example repo for turborepo + elysia app + svelte app deploy using docker

Turborepo Svelte + Elysia starter

Using this example

Run the following command:

bun i

What's inside?

This Turborepo includes the following packages/apps:

Apps and Packages

All apps run with bun

  • iipm-web: this is sveltekit app, I forget to change so please consider change it
  • admin: sveltekit as well
  • backend: elysia app
  • eslint-config-custom: eslint configurations (includes eslint-plugin-svelte and eslint-config-prettier)


  • installed gitmoji as well run bun commit to pop cz in terminal


there are dockerfiles in production folder

  • iipm-web: Dockerfile.web
  • backend: Dockerfile.backend

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