full-stack-svelte-course Svelte Themes

Full Stack Svelte Course

Full-stack Express/Svelte app built as part of a course from Newline

About this project

This repo is for code I'm writing while following along with the Full Stack Svelte course over at Newline. The course itself was written/designed with Svelte 2 in Javascript, and relied heavily on the svelte-router-spa library to handle the routing. Rather than following along strictly with the course I opted to built it on top of Sveltekit (and Svelte 4) with Typescript integrated into both the front-end and back-end applications.

In practice this means the in stack looks like this (with changes from the course noted):

  • Front-end Framework: Svelte 2 -> Sveltekit 1 (Svelte 4)
    • svelte-router-spa is replaced by built-in Sveltekit routing
  • Back-end Framework: Express
  • Data layer: PostgreSQL (using Knex as the ORM)
  • Authentication (currently WIP): Auth0 with JWT

As of this writing the basic CRUD operations and API endpoints are handled along with associated front-end behavior. Logins and security are still being built, as there is some additional work needed to adapt the courses's approach to how Sveltekit/Typescript handles the same business logic.

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