
An awesome site to play singleplayer ludo for fun with bots! Visit the site.

What is Ludo?

Ludo is a strategy board game for two to four players, in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish according to the rolls of a single die. Like other cross and circle games, Ludo is derived from the Indian game Pachisi. The ludo board and rules used in the site is from the Pachisi variant of the Ludo...

How to play?

  • There are 4 players represented with red, green, blue or yellow color.
    • The game can be also played with 2 or 3 players.
    • If you are alone, just add a bot to the game which will play as an opponent for you!
  • Each player will have 4 coins in the prison/jail.
  • Each player gets a turn to roll the dice and if the player rolls a 6, they will get another chance to roll the dice again.
  • You can take a coin out of the prison/jail only if a dice is rolled at 6.
  • All of your coins reaches the home, the player wins!
  • Knocking other player's coins or if one your coin reaches the house, you will get another chance to roll the dice.
    • You can only knock out a coin only at steps which are colored white (not darker white, green, blue, red and yellow).


  • This might have messy codes at some parts and have bugs, you can contribute if you want.
  • This does not currently supports multiplayer. If multiplayer will be ever supported, it would be a peer to peer socket (might be risky).
  • The code used in the project might be hardcoded, if any suggestions, kindly open an issue...

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