
Jobs Feed

Jobs Feed streamlines the job search process by tracking job postings from various career pages and matching users with roles that align with their skills and preferences.


This project is a work in progress

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Jobs Feed streamlines the job search process by tracking job postings from various career pages and matching users with roles that align with their skills and preferences.


  • View, navigate, and bookmark job postings

  • Add career pages or other sources to extract job postings from

    • Use CSS selectors to specify pagination links and HTML elements that contain job postings
  • Configure filters and criterias based on which job postings are selected
  • Suggestions of similar companies that might offer relevant roles



  • Build the docker image: docker-compose up jobs_feed
  • Jobs Feed will be running here:

From Source

Install the following requirements:

  • Rust

  • Node

  • PostgreSQL

  • To build the project run: make build

  • Create the databases: psql -h -p 5432 < migration/create_database.sql or create the databases via the psql CLI tooling

    • By default two databases are created: jobs_feed_release (production database) and jobs_feed_debug (used for development)
  • To run Jobs Feed execute: make server

  • Jobs Feed will be running here:


Jobs Feed requires an OpenAI API key. If you don't have an OpenAI API key, follow these instructions to obtain one.

The API key needs to be configured in the "Preferences" once Jobs Feed is runnning.


Follow the Installation From Source steps.

  • Run make run -j 2
    • This will run both the server, and re-built the client whenever changes to its source code are made
    • Use the ENVIRONMENT variable to switch between release and debug: make run -j 2 -e ENVIRONMENT=release
      • Both environments serve data from different databases
  • Run make format to apply formatting and linting to the source code

To make changes to the database schema install SeaORM: cargo install sea-orm-cli

  • To update database schemas, run: DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/jobs_feed_debug sea-orm-cli migrate refresh
    • ⚠️ This will delete any existing data
  • To create Rust entities and models based on the updated database schema, run: sea-orm-cli generate entity -u postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/jobs_feed_debug -o server/src/entities --with-serde both --serde-skip-deserializing-primary-key


  • Find pagination links on source pages automatically
  • Pulling job postings on a schedule
  • Grouping sources
  • Translations
  • Different layouts
  • Send alerts or email summaries
  • User management


Contributions are welcome. If you'd like to help, please file an issue or open a pull request.

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