website-dev-space Svelte Themes

Website Dev Space

Redesigning with Svelte + Tailwindcss


Redesigning [] with Svelte + Tailwindcss.

Development Log/Narrative

I started this project intending to use React (and there's even evidence of it if you check out the react-version folder.) So why change to Svelte?

The key reason is becasue I wanted to experiment with the tailwindscss and loading that processor into a react framework was more arduous than I expected.

Plus, after some research on Svelte and how it worked, I decided to switch since that framework appeared more suited to the kind of end prodcut I was going for. I'm really attracted to how lightweight it is and that it does server side rendering. That seemed like the best option for a webiste made up of mostly static content that doesn't change all that often.

This is obviously a work in progress and I try to add to the build as often as possible, but that is challenging given development must come outside of my full-time job.

Current Next steps

I want to develope individual pages for each of the articles listed in on /mywork. This will include styling and formatting for a headeline, description (dek), body content. The challenge is that some of the articles listed also have an audio component and I will need to investigate how to best handle that with Svelte.

I have to think also about how to create the paths to these individual articles and a way to make it a template that's driven by code blocks to self-populate. Luckily, Svelte is super simple in defining routes/paths compared to other frontend frameworks.

© 2023 Eric D. Schmid

Images contained in this repo are NOT for redistribution. You must contact the original photographer for permission if you wish to use them.

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