
User Management Svelte Mongodb Jwt

User Management using Svelte, Mongodb and JWT

User Management

This is simple user management using Svelte with MongoDB database and using JWT token for login/register purposes.

For Production Environment

Install Mongodb.

In command prompt, start the mongodb by typing,


This will start the mongodb. You can use MongoDB Compass GUI to create databases. Create a database named "login". (check src/server.cjs)

In another command prompt navigate to project folder and start the server side script by typing,

node src/server.cjs

This will run the server script and will connect to mongodb.

In another command prompt,

npm install -g http-server

This will install http-server globally.

In command prompt, navigate to dist folder and type,


This will start the http-server with the dist files and will show available urls. Open one of the mentioned urls in browser.

For Developement Environment

Install Mongodb.

In command prompt, start the mongodb by typing,


This will start the mongodb. You can use MongoDB Compass to create databases. Create a database named "login". (check src/server.cjs)

In another command prompt navigate to project folder and start the server side script by typing,

node src/server.cjs

This will run the server script and will connect to mongodb.

In another command prompt navigate to project folder and type,

npm run dev -- --open

This will open development url in browser, use Visual Studio Code to edit the "src" folder files (.svelte files, css, html) and can view live changes.

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