penucia Svelte Themes


A money-management app on svelte


A simple front-end app that tells us where we are, where we'd like to be regarding our penuciary lives.

This front-end website hopes to:

  1. Catalogue information regarding finances, such as

    1. (Almost) every transaction from all bank accounts

    2. Budget plans for the following year and display them in a visual manner, for the following goals

    3. Have a clear purpose for all money.

    4. Enable systematic money allotment, saving and spending

  2. Commodity Pricing

    1. To be thought about later...

Developers' Setup

To get this set up on your computer, do 3 things:

  1. Clone this onto your computer There are multiple ways: You'll have to figure out what's easiest/best for you. Then you cd into your program
cd penucia
# 2. Install the dependencies
npm install
# 3. Start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open

brainstorming area

  1. Bank Account numbers: For a sanity-check (Can't remember what this was)

    Features needed

    Input Forms, etc

  2. Make the input plan: It should be possible to edit every aspect of the json file

Data Display UX

  1. CSS Design needs to happen
  2. More widgets (at a glance types)

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