
Prismic Svelte Archive


WARNING: This project is in early development. See issues and planning on the GitHub repo.

A set of helpers for developing Prismic projects with Svelte.

To do

  • Add HTML Serializer to config (and asHTML)
  • Add Slices to config
  • Create a SliceZone component
  • Handle the API options

Do we want to add an Image component?


To add prismic-svelte, first install:

npm i prismic-svelte

Then, create /src/lib/prismic.js, and paste in the following code:

import createPrismicSvelte from 'prismic-svelte'

const config = {
  // Fill in your repo name (required)
  repoName: 'prismicio-docs-v3',

  // Define a route for each Custom Type
  routes: [
      type: 'homepage',
      path: '/',
      type: 'page',
      path: '/:uid',
      type: 'post',
      path: '/blog/:uid',

  // Add an access token (only if your repo is private)
  accessToken: null,

  // Add any API options
  options: null,

const Prismic = createPrismicSvelte(config)

export const { repoName, endpoint, Client, asText, asHTML, asLink, asDate } =

export default Prismic

Fill in the config options. Only repoName is required.

repoName: The name of your repository in Prismic (required).

routes: A collection of routes for Prismic's Route Resolver.

accessToken: An access token for the Prismic API; required only when your repo is private.

options: Options for your Prismic API queries.


In Svelte projects, use a relative path to import the Prismic helpers:

<!-- Standard .svelte component -->

  import Prismic from './lib/prismic'

In SvelteKit, use the $ alias:

<!-- In a SvelteKit project -->

  import Prismic from '$lib/prismic'

The plugin exports the following properties and methods:

  • repoName
  • endpoint
  • asText()
  • asHTML()
  • asLink()
  • asDate()
  • Client()
  • Client().get()
  • Client().getFirst()
  • Client().getAll()
  • Client().getByID()
  • Client().getByIDs()
  • Client().getAllByIDs()
  • Client().getByUID()
  • Client().getSingle()
  • Client().getByType()
  • Client().getAllByType()
  • Client().getByTag()
  • Client().getAllByTag()
  • Client().getByTags()
  • Client().getAllByTags()
  • ...

See for information on how to use these methods.

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