quiz-template Svelte Themes

Quiz Template

A template for creating IE weekly quizzes in Svelte

IE Weekly Quiz Template

This template allows for the IE weekly quiz to be quickly written by simply editing the quiz.json file in src/assets.

The presentation itself is rendered using svelte and uses reveal.js to power the slides. This sits inside a vite environment. Vitest is used for unit testing.

Quiz JSON format

An example quiz.json file has been provided. This is my quiz from week 4 and has been ported over to this template to illustrate how the JSON file should be structured. For more details on all the available/valid JSON properties, please see the following documentation.

Top Level Properties

Property Type Description
title String The title for your quiz, to be displayed on the first slide
rounds Array<Round> An array of round objects, documented below. These are fed into each round (question + answer)

Round Objects

Property Type Description
question Question A Question Object, documented below. This contains the information for each question slide
answer Answer An Answer Object, documented below. This contains the information for each answer slide
points Number A number indicating how many points are available by answering this question correctly

Question Objects

Property Type Description
type String One of "normal", "inline-image" or "bg-image". If inline image or BG image types are selected, an image property must also be provided
text String The text of the question
image String (Optional) A valid URL to an image/gif

Answer Objects

Property Type Description
type String One of "normal", "inline-image" or "bg-image". If inline image or BG image types are selected, an image property must also be provided
text String (Optional) The text of the answer. If no text is provided, then an image field must be provided.
image String (Optional) A valid URL to an image/gif
detail String (Optional) A string containing any extra context/detail you want to provide to the answer

How to Run a Quiz

If you are not familiar with Vite, running this solution is fairly simple.

Ensure you have installed the required modules by running npm i first.

To serve the quiz, you can either:

  • Run this using using vite's local HMR-powered development server by running npm run dev
  • build the solution using npm run build and then serve the build with npm run preview.


Also provided are some vitest-powered unit tests which will validate your quiz.json to make sure it is a valid quiz. You can run these tests by running npm run test.

The source code for these unit tests can be viewed here.

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