svelte-preprocess-blockdown Svelte Themes

Svelte Preprocess Blockdown

Preprocessor for the Svelte compiler for Blockdown files.


Preprocessor for the Svelte compiler for Blockdown files.

What it does

Blockdown is a Markdown-like syntax that lets you define blocks of text as other data formats. It makes it easier to embed things like mermaid syntax (a text-based graph) into your Markdown files.

This preprocessor takes Blockdown text and generates Svelte syntax from it.

Given a Blockdown file that looks like this:

title: My file

import Widgit from './Widget.svelte'

Some *markdown* text.

<Widget {count} />

This preprocessor would output a Svelte component that looks like this:

    import Widgit from './Widget.svelte'
    Some <em>markdown</em> text.
<Widget {count} />

How to use

You'll need to install it the usual way:

npm install svelte-preprocess-blockdown

Import/require the usual way, as a named export:

import { preprocessBlockdown } from 'svelte-preprocess-blockdown';
// or
const { preprocessBlockdown } = require('svelte-preprocess-blockdown');

For your Svelte preprocessor declaration, this exported function would be used as the markup function.

From the Svelte docs, it would look like:

const svelte = require('svelte/compiler');
const { preprocessBlockdown } = require('svelte-preprocess-blockdown');

const options = { /* ... */ }

const { code } = await svelte.preprocess(source, {
    markup: preprocessBlockdown(options)
}, {
    filename: 'App.svelte'


The synchronous function is called with a single Object (defined below as "Options") and returns a synchronous function which takes a single Object, expecting the property content which is the full string of the file, and filename which is the string of the filename.


All available options:

  • parsers: Object<String, Function> - Used to define parsers corresponding to the Blockdown delimiter name property.


For every Blockdown delimiter name you need to define a corresponding parser.

The only exception is for the delimiter name svelte, which is handled internally.

Minimally, you will likely need to specify a YAML parser (for the Front Matter) and a Markdown parser. My current recommendations are js-yaml and remarkable, respectively.


const { preprocessBlockdown } = require('svelte-preprocess-blockdown');
const { Remarkable } = require('remarkable');
const svelte = require('svelte/compiler');
const yaml = require('js-yaml');

const md = new Remarkable()

const options = {
    parsers: {
        yaml: yaml.safeLoad,
        md: md.render

const { code } = await svelte.preprocess(source, {
    markup: preprocessBlockdown(options)
}, {
    filename: 'App.svelte'


Published and released with love under the Very Open License.

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