Starter template for Svelte frontend apps with Rust Rocket backend server.
NodeJs - Install
Rust - Install
Rust Nightly for the project folder
Create a new project based on this template using degit and install the dependencies...
npx degit sachinbhutani/svelte-on-rust svelte-rocket
cd svelte-rocket
npm install
...then start Rocket server and Vite in two different terminals
Terminal 1: (To run the rust server)
cargo run
Terminal 2: (To build and hot reload svelte components)
npm run dev
Navigate to localhost:8000. You should see your app running.
All svelte component live in client
directory. Save any changes live-reloading.
All Rocket code lives in src
directory. To rebuild Rust code use cargo run after saving your changes.
All static files are served from public
direcotry. Including the JS code compiled by Svelte Compiler.
To create an optimised version of the app:
npm run build
cargo build
v0.2.0: Complete Rewrite
v0.1.4: update packages because cargo run
v0.1.3: Added authentication example with private cookies
v0.1.2: Added Bulma CSS styling