

🔀 Route is a platform that allows users to easily share their favourite Links, Tech Skills and GitHub Stats in one centralized place.


Route is a platform that allows users to easily share their favourite links, tech skills and GitHub stats in one centralized place.

🎮 Features

  • Showcase your favorite links like Linktree
  • Showcase your Tech Stack with a cool design
  • Automatically show your Github stats
  • Shareable link at

🔮 Tech Stack

  • FullStack Framework: SvelteKit
  • Styling: Shadcn-Svelte && Tailwind
  • Database: PostgresQL (Prisma as ORM)

🫂 How to Contribute

  1. Clone the project
git clone
  1. Install dependencies
pnpm i
  1. Run a Postgres instance (I recommend using Docker CLI on Linux/Mac or Docker Desktop on Windows)
docker run --name your_postgres_container -e POSTGRES_USER=your_username -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=your_password -e POSTGRES_DB=your_database -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
  1. Update the example.env to .env and fill in your data
  2. Push the database schema using Prisma
npx prisma db push
  1. Start the dev server
pnpm dev
  1. Develop the change using a separate branch, either bugfix/name or feature/name
  2. Push your changes and open a Pull Request with details about your changes

All Pull Requests are very appreciated :D

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