Tauri Svelte

  • Tauri
  • GitHub action for cross-platform builds
  • Svelte
  • Vite
  • TypeScript
  • svelte-preprocess with Sass installed by default
  • Hot module replacement
  • ESLint
  • Prettier

Dev instructions

Get started

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install Rust
  3. Follow the Tauri setup guide
  4. Run npm install
  5. Find and replace the text tauri-svelte-template and Tauri Svelte Template.


  • npm run dev: Start app in dev mode
  • npm run build: Build
  • npm run lint: Lint
  • npm run format: Format

Release new version

  1. Update CHANGELOG.md
  2. Bump the version number in src-tauri/Cargo.toml
  3. Run cargo check to update Cargo.lock
  4. Create a git tag in the format v#.#.#
  5. Add release notes to the generated GitHub release and publish it

Release new version with changeset

  1. Run npx changeset to add a changeset
  2. Run npx changeset version to bump version (and change CHANGELOG.md)
  3. Set the same version to src-tauri/Cargo.toml
  4. Run cargo check in src-tauri to update Cargo.lock
  5. Run npx changeset publish to add github tag
  6. Push everything in a new PR - when merging this PR, release pipeline will be triggered (by the tag)

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