
Sveltekit Tips And Tricks

Usefull commands. Tip and tricks

SvelteKit Tips and Tricks

Usefull commands. Tip and tricks

Create new project

  1. Enter project name.
  2. Run setup. Answer installer questions.
  3. Go to project folder.
  4. Intall SvelteKit component


echo "Enter project name" && read project_name && npm create svelte@latest $project_name && cd $project_name && npm i

Windows 11 (CMD)

set "project_name=" && set /p "project_name=Enter project name: " && npm create svelte@latest %project_name% && cd %project_name% && npm i

Add Tailwind

  1. Install npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer svelte-preprocess && npx tailwindcss init tailwind.config.cjs -p && code . && exit
  2. Project template is here templates\sveltekit-tailwind

Add DaisyUI

  1. Install npm i daisyui
  2. Project template is here templates\sveltekit-tailwind-dausyui

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