infinite-scroll-svelte Svelte Themes

Infinite Scroll Svelte


Wrapper that fires events when the user has scrolled it to the beginning or end


  • All set keys inside <InfiniteScroll /> must be unique, otherwise auto-scrolling will not work

  • onPrev and onNext will block the event handler until one of the them completes.

  • First and last elements are temporarily marked with [data-infinite-scroll-xxxxx] identifiers for internal work, so only sequence elements should be inside <InfiniteScroll>:


    {#each items as item (item)}


        {#each items as item (item)}


Property Type Default Description
children Snippet
onPrev? async fn() () => {} Occurs when the user scrolls the container to the top
onNext? async fn() () => {} Occurs when the user scrolls to the end of the container
scrollX? boolean false Horizontal scrolling
scrollY? boolean true Vertical scrolling
thresholdPrevInPx? (in pixels) number 120 Container start threshold for calling onPrev
thresholdNext? (in pixels) number 120 Container end threshold for calling onNext
throttleInMs? (in milliseconds) number 150 Interval between onscroll event calls
promiseRejectTimeoutInSecs? number 5 Tthe maximum time to wait for the onPrev and onNext functions, if the timeout is exceeded, the onError event will occur
onLock? () => void () => {} Fires when one of the onPrev or onNext functions called
onUnlock? () => void () => {} Fires when one of the onPrev or onNext functions completes (good tone for hiding the loading)
onError? (error: Error) => void () => {} Fires when one of the onPrev or onNext functions fails
...props? HTMLAttributes undefined HTML element attributes


<script lang="ts">
    import { InfiniteScroll } from 'infinite-scroll-svelte';

    const items = $state<number[]>([...Array(100).keys()]);
    const handleNext = async () => items.push(Math.random());

<InfiniteScroll class="size-64 border-2 border-current" throttleInMs={50} onNext={handleNext}>
    {#each items as item (item)}

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