Leika is a smaller quadruped robot for the Spot-Micro community. Built on an ESP32 and powered by FreeRTOS, she can handle multiple tasks seamlessly - Like video and data streaming, solving kinematic and gait planning, controlling IO and much more. By focusing on practicality and simplicity in both hardware and software, it offer an accessible platform for learning, experimentation, and modest real-world applications.
You can find the current steps to get a fresh new doggo up and barking on /docs
You can find a description for the current esp32 firmware and controller here.
Clone and open the new project
git clone https://github.com/runeharlyk/SpotMicroESP32-Leika
Install dependencies with preferable package manager (npm, pnpm, yarn)
cd app
pnpm install
Configure device settings
with relevant settingsUpload filesystem image using platformIO
Upload firmware using platformIO
See the project backlog and open issues for full list of proposed and active features (and known issues).
This project takes great inspiration from the following resources:
If you like the project and want to follow it evolving concidering โจ-ing the project
runeharlyk.dk · GitHub @runeharlyk · LinkedIn @Rune Harlyk