Components for rendering Portable Text rendering for Svelte. Portable Text is the serialization spec used primarily by the Sanity CMS.
Install with:
npm install svelte-pote
# or
yarn add svelte-pote
Use it by passing an array of blocks to the components:
import { PortableText } from 'svelte-pote';
import somePortableText from './example-prose';
<PortableText blocks={somePortableText} />
This will render the portable text using default formatting.
It's possible to override the components used for rendering:
in h1.svelte
<h1><slot /></h1>
h1 {
color: papayawhip;
font-size: 32px;
In the code using PortableText:
import Heading1 from './h1.svelte';
import { PortableText } from 'svelte-pote';
import somePortableText from './example-prose';
<PortableText blocks={somePortableText} components={{ h1: Heading1 }} />
This renders the portable text using the h1 svelte component instead of the
default component. It's possible to override the following standard components:
, code
, h1
, h2
, h3
, h4
, h5
, h6
, li
, link
, ol
In addition it's possible to add components for non-standard blocks and spans.
This is done by using the customSpanComponents
and customBlockComponents
The custom components can use a <slot/>
to render children. Otherwise, it can
render whatever it likes. It gets it's block/parent passed in as props.
See the code in custom-rendering/index.svelte for examples.
To develop and experiment, run yarn dev
. This starts a web server locally that
hosts some pages using the component. Feel free to add more routes for testing
and examples.
To type check the code, run yarn run check
. Optionally with the --watch
To package the library, run yarn run package
. This emits the library to the
block handler yet.Stuff that needs to be done / figured out.