sveltekit-map-component Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Map Component

Handy components for building sites in SvelteKit

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Sveltekit Map Component


Library of TypeScript friendly SvelteKit components for adding functionality to your SvelteKit apps.


To install the package run

pnpm add -D @rodneylab/sveltekit-components @rodneylab/sveltekit-map-component
pnpm add --save-peer leaflet



Add a map to your SvelteKit site using Mapbox with OpenStreetMap and LeafletJS. Requires a Mapbox access token, just add it your to the .env file in your project:


Add the component to a .svelte file in your project:

    import { Map } from '@rodneylab/sveltekit-map-component';

    const latitude = 51.50162;
    const longitude = -0.14115;
    const zoom = 16;
    const location = { latitude, longitude };

    markerMarkup="<p>We are <strong>here</strong>!</p>"

Further Info

To create your own SvelteKit component library see the video on creating a SvelteKit component library. Drop a comment on that page if you have a question.

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