
Sveltekit Hcaptcha Form

SvelteKit hCaptcha contact form: see how you can scare bots away from your Svelte site using a privacy focussed captcha service.

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SvelteKit hCaptcha Form


SvelteKit demo code for making add hCapcha verification to a contact form in SvelteKit. The code accompanies the article on SvelteKit hCaptcha contact forms. If you have any questions, please drop a comment at the bottom of that page.

Building and previewing the site

If you're seeing this, you've probably already done this step. Congrats!

git clone
cd sveltekit-hcaptcha-form
pnpm install # or npm install
pnpm run dev


pnpm run build

You can preview the built app with pnpm run preview, regardless of whether you installed an adapter. This should not be used to serve your app in production.

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