This is a zero-dependency Svelte adaptation of Sam Herberts SVG Loaders library. Highly influenced by ajwann SVG Loaders React adaptation.

And with a few additions of free spinners from


Install from NPM

npm install svg-loaders-svelte

Import the SVGLoaders components

You can import a single loader in your Svelte page (or any other component)

  import { Bars } from "svg-loaders-svelte";

<Bars />


<Audio />

<BallTriangle />

<Bars />

<Circles />

<Disk />

<DualRing />

<Grid />

<Hearts />

<Infinity />

<Oval />

<Puff />

<Rings />

<Spinner />

<SpinningCircles />

<TailSpin />

<ThreeDots />


Each of these components should be able to accept any SVG tag presentation attributes as props.

Loaders SVGs will be inlined which enabled the use of fill="currentColor", and makes it easier to style the loader from CSS.

A color prop makes it easier to define a color, which may be a fill or a stroke within each component.

A width and/or height can be passed as number only props, will be treated as px, if only one is passed aspect ratio will be enforced.

Common Usage

// using currentColor through CSS
<span style="color: #ff3e00">
  <Audio />

// using the color prop
<Rings color="#ff3e00" /> // uses stroke for color
<Hearts color="#ff3e00" /> // uses fill for color

// passing a width, height will be calculated respecting aspect ratio, respecting unit
<Hearts width="100" />
<ThreeDots width="4rem" /> // ThreeDots, particularly, will have a height of 1rem

// render the Puff loader with a stroke opacity of .125
<Puff strokeOpacity=".125" />

// render the Puff loader with a stroke of mint green
<Puff stroke="#98ff98" />

// render the Puff loader with a stroke of mint green and a stroke opactiy of .125
<Puff stroke="#98ff98" strokeOpacity=".125"/>

More examples here.

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