
Vite Svelte Transcrypt

[proof of concept] Preprocessor for blocks of Python in Svelte templates (using Vite and Transcrypt)

Vite Svelte Transcrypt

[proof of concept] Preprocessor for blocks of Python in Svelte templates (using Vite and Transcrypt)

pip install transcrypt
npm install --save vite-svelte-transcrypt


// example vite.config.js or vite.config.ts

import {defineConfig} from 'vite'
import {svelte} from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte'
import sveltePreprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';
import {python} from "vite-svelte-transcrypt"; // <-

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [svelte({
        preprocess: sveltePreprocess({
            aliases: [ // register lang="python" and .py files as Python
                ['py', 'python'],
                ['python', 'python'],
            python // <- 
<!-- SomeComponent.svelte -->
<script lang="python">`
count = 0

def increment():
    count += 1

<button on:click={increment}>
    count is {count}

Note: the backticks (`) are not required, but can improve Language Injection features of some editors (i.e. you can tell Pycharm the 'string' is supposed to be Python.)


You also have access to all Javascript globals. In order to prevent the editor from complaining it doesn't know these, you can use the global keyword:

<script lang="python">`
count = 0

def interop():
    global window # optional
    global document # optional
    window.alert("You can now call window's methods or perform DOM manipulation with document!")


This whole project is just a proof of concept and should NOT be used in production! The whole Transcrypt JS runtime is included for every <script> with lang=python, so unless Vite does a great job of optimizing this, there is a lot of duplicate code. It is also of course much slower than just using JS. Additionally, Transcrypt does not support a lot of Python libraries at this point, so most useful imports will not work.

This module also creates a lot of junk files in the .transcrypt-build directory, since the output is used AFTER the preprocess function ends. So cleanup at the end of this function is impossible, since the files are still needed later on. If this module was used in a big project, this junk folder could get quite big after a while.

When working with JS objects from Python, it still expects the 'new' keyword. Since Python does not have this, Transcrypt provides the __new__ helper:

<script lang="python">`
def interop():
    # optional
    global Object
    global URLSearchParams
    global location
    global __new__

    # = Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(

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