Hi Folks 👋 This repository contains a simple example of a SvelteKit (with Svelte 5) project integrated with Storyblok and the Storyblok Visual Editor.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/roberto-butti/svelte5-storyblok-example.git
Then create the .env
file with these two parameters:
You can create your Storyblok space and pick the Preview Access Token.
Then you can install all the SvelteKit dependencies via bun install
(or npm install
or pnpm install
or yarn
Then you can run the local server:
bun dev
Then open your browser at https://localhost:5173/
To create a Storyblok space, and get the proper access token you can read this tutorial: https://dev.to/robertobutti/how-to-set-up-a-storyblok-space-with-the-community-plan-for-local-development-1i37
To create a production version of your SvelteKit project:
bun build
You can preview the production build with bun preview
You may need to install an adapter for your target environment to deploy your app.