jetblack-svelte-material-icons Svelte Themes

Jetblack Svelte Material Icons

Svelt icons for material design


Icons from Material Design imported as svelte components.


npm install --save @jetblack/svelte-material-icons

Getting Started

      import Home from '@jetblack/svelte-material-icons/Home.svelte'

    <Home />


Here is how an icon component is implemented.

<!-- Home -->
  export let width = 24, height = 24, viewBox = [0, 0, 24, 24]

<svg {width} {height} viewBox={viewBox.join(" ")} {...$$restProps}>
  <path d="M10 20v-6h4v6h5v-8h3L12 3 2 12h3v8z"/>

The icons have a native resolution of 24x24 which can be altered by the width and height properties. For example:

      import Home from '@jetblack/svelte-material-icons/Home.svelte'

    <Home width={48} height={48} />

Other svg properties will be passed on. For example:

      import Home from '@jetblack/svelte-material-icons/Home.svelte'

    <Home stroke="red" fill="blue" />

I don't have a good solution for classes at the moment. Class names will be propagated to the component, so global styles will work.

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