
Svelte Pug Stylus Coffee

pug 语法

You can check the Pug API reference for information about its options. The only overridden property is doctype, which is set to HTML.

Apart from those, the Pug preprocessor accepts:

Option Default Description
markupTagName template the tag name used to look for the optional markup wrapper. If none is found, pug is executed over the whole file.
configFilePath undefined the path of the directory containing the PostCSS configuration.

Template blocks:

Some of Svelte's template syntax is invalid in Pug. svelte-preprocess provides some pug mixins to represent svelte's {#...}{/...} blocks: +if(), +else(), +elseif(), +each(), +key(), +await(), +then(), +catch(), +html(), +debug().

  +if('posts && posts.length > 1')
    +each('posts as post')
        a(rel="prefetch" href="blog/{post.slug}") {post.title}
      span No posts :c

Element attributes:

Pug encodes everything inside an element attribute to html entities, so attr="{foo && bar}" becomes attr="foo && bar". To prevent this from happening, instead of using the = operator use != which won't encode your attribute value:

button(disabled!="{foo && bar}")

This is also necessary to pass callbacks:

button(on:click!="{(e) => doTheThing(e)}")

It is not possible to use template literals for attribute values. You can't write attr=`Hello ${value ? 'Foo' : 'Bar'}`, instead write attr="Hello {value ? 'Foo' : 'Bar'}".

Spreading props:

To spread props into a pug element, wrap the {...object} expression with quotes ".


button.big(type="button" disabled "{...slide.props}") Send


<button class="big" type="button" disabled {...slide.props}>

Svelte Element directives:

Syntax to use Svelte Element directives with Pug


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