

Small book catalog made in Svelte as an OOP II coursework

📚 Book Catalog

This project was made to fulfill the requisites of the final coursework from Object-Oriented Programming II course of Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), which are:

  • Use an oriented-object language: ✔️ TypeScript provides all the bells and whistles that simplified the making of this project.
  • Have some kind of interface (terminal, web, GUI, etc): ✔️ The web interface is done using the awesome Svelte framework.
  • Allow importing and exporting the catalog in different formats (at least XML and JSON): ✔️ Import and export data in both specified formats, and more can be easily added.
  • Allow editing the book catalog: ✔️ Books in catalog can be edited, altough the app currently doesn't have support for adding/removing books.
  • Allow undoing at least the last 10 actions: ✔️ Supports 10 undos (hardcoded), which can be easily configured via MAX_MEMENTOS_STACK_LENGTH inside undoer.ts.
  • Use at least 3 of the studied design patterns: ✔️ It uses factories for getting the correct importer/exporter for each file format, mementos for undoing actions and singletons explicitly as the undoer class or implicitly on the Svelte stores.

Installing and running

Just clone the repository, run the JS package installer of your choice (PNPM was used, but NPM and Yarn work just as fine) and run the dev script:

pnpm i
pnpm run dev


This project have lots of room for improvements, mostly cosmetic (which were lower-priority when the deadline approached), but you can use the best of your imagination here. If you changed/fixed something you think was cool, don't hesitate to put up a PR, which I'll hapilly review.

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