Get Motivated

Get Motivated is a Chrome extension that will simply let Vergil and his friends save you from being 😭

cover Stop hornie, be motivated.


  • Easy to use
  • Choose the motivator of your choice
  • Auto-detect sussy website (powered by for Families)


  1. Download the latest release from here (or build it yourself).
  2. Load the extension to your browser by following this guide.


Please check out our website, or try the simple live demo here.

If you want to get motivated but can't go to nsfw web, you can use:


  • Clone/fork this repository
  • Install dependencies: pnpm install
  • Run dev server: pnpm dev
  • Build the extension: pnpm build

The โง่ Hackathon ครั้งที่ 7 เเห่งประเทศ Thailand

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