frizzante Svelte Themes


A a procedural, minimalistic and opinionated web server that uses Svelte to render web pages.

Get started

Create a new project using the starter template.

git clone

[!NOTE] Make sure you have Go and Bun installed.
If you'd rather use a different runtime than Bun to update your javascript dependencies, see makefile, section "update".

Update dependencies

make update

Then start the server

make start

or build it

make build

[!NOTE] The www/dist directory is embedded, which makes the final executable completely portable.

That being said, you can still create a "www/dist" directory near your executable.
Whenever the server will try to access a file missing from the embedded file system, the server will fall back to the nearby "www/dist" directory instead.

[!NOTE] This project is aimed mainly at linux distributions.
Feel free to contribute any fixes for other platforms.

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