quick-sveltekit Svelte Themes

Quick Sveltekit

Quick start template for SvelteKit application


Quick start template for SvelteKit application


  1. Install Node LTS
  2. Install pnpm package manager by running npm i -g pnpm command
  3. (Optionally) Docker for container image debugging


  1. Create a repository by using this repository as a template
  2. Install dependencies with pnpm i command
  3. Develop anything with pnpm dev!


  1. Create project in Deploys.app console. This project ID will be DEPLOYS_NAME secrets
  2. Create deployment credentials
    1. Create service account at Service Accounts > Create. You will get service account email address which will be DEPLOYS_AUTH_USER secrets
    2. Click into service account email and click Create key button. You will get deployment key which will be DEPLOYS_AUTH_PASS secrets
    3. Create a role at Roles > Create with deployment.* permissions
    4. Create user at Users > Add with service account email, and role that created earlier
  3. Add those secrets into GitHub via Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions
  4. Push a commit to trigger deployment or mannualy trigger it yourself in Actions tab

Local deployment troubleshooting

  1. Make sure Docker service as active
  2. Build image locally with docker build -t quick-sveltekit .
  3. Run production image with docker run --name next-debug -p 3000:3000 quick-sveltekit
  4. Deployment should be active locally at http://localhost:3000

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