A SvelteKit UI for a CLIP-based image search backend.
This project uses the same FastAPI backend for CLIP-based image search as my earlier Vue-based UI found here.
A demo of this UI, using Wikimedia Commons images, can be seen here.
Try searching for somethign like skiing -summer +winter to see sports that are kinda-like skiing, but happen in summer instead of winter.
Incremental loading of thumbnails, with support for throttled image sources like Wikipedia (that only lets a single client load a few thumbnails a second).
Flicker-free previews based on Svelte deferred transitions to not render partially-downloaded images.
Fast previews based by initially showing a zoomed thumbnail, then fading into the full res image when its available.
A search syntax that lets you do simple math on CLIP embeddings with prefixes like "-" to subtract CLIP vectors and "+" to add them.
Search for similar images
Special Thanks to: