svelte-clip-image-search Svelte Themes

Svelte Clip Image Search

A SvelteKit UI for a CLIP-based image search

Svelte CLIP Image Search

A SvelteKit UI for a CLIP-based image search backend.

My first attempt at a SvelteKit based UI.

This project uses the same FastAPI backend for CLIP-based image search as my earlier Vue-based UI found here.


A demo of this UI, using Wikimedia Commons images, can be seen here.

Try searching for somethign like skiing -summer +winter to see sports that are kinda-like skiing, but happen in summer instead of winter.



Special Thanks to:

  • Github user @yurijmikhalevich for his rclip CLI tools that inspired this project and are now used to manage all my home photos.
  • Github user @berkinakkaya for his svelte-image-gallery project that made me interested in porting the front-end to Svelte, (and whose code I used, though I need to double-check with him about licensing.... doing that now)


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