Clinical_Decision_System Svelte Themes


CDS built using Flask and Svelte


CDS built using Flask and Svelte

Instruction of use

  1. clone the git repo
  2. open cmd / bash / shell
  3. cd into frontend/CDS folder
  4. now run npm install
  5. after run npm run build
  6. copy the dist folder generated and paste it to backend folder
  7. now cd into backend folder
  8. run pip install -r requirement.txt
  9. in the code folder, run to create required model and json files
  10. edit 18 line - add a random string at the place of "KEY"
  11. if you want to run debug mode, add debug=True in the brackets in last line
  12. run python, open localhost:5000 or similar in browser
  13. Enjoy!!!

Instruction of website

  1. create a user by going to login
  2. the login to go to dashboard
  3. use the AI sypmtoms checker

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