This repository provides a SvelteKit app integrating Google OAuth 2.0 Authorization code flow.
This repo source files have been initially generated via create-svelte
Below code block is a snapshot from the output of the command at the time of project creation:
$ npm create svelte@latest app
create-svelte version 5.0.6
┌ Welcome to SvelteKit!
◇ Which Svelte app template?
│ Skeleton project
◇ Add type checking with TypeScript?
│ Yes, using JavaScript with JSDoc comments
◇ Select additional options (use arrow keys/space bar)
│ Add ESLint for code linting
└ Your project is ready!
✔ Type-checked JavaScript
✔ ESLint
Install community-maintained integrations:
Next steps:
1: cd app
2: npm install (or pnpm install, etc)
3: git init && git add -A && git commit -m "Initial commit" (optional)
4: npm run dev -- --open
To close the dev server, hit Ctrl-C
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This is a Node.js® application, as such, you will need to have Node.js installed in your machine to be able to run this application. It is recommended working with Node >= v18.17 or newer.
To be able to run this application, you will need to install its dependencies. To do so you will have to:
Navigate into application source directory
Install required Node node modules
The following commands will reproduce these steps within a terminal:
cd app/
npm install
After installing application dependencies you can start a development server issuing the following command:
npm run dev
Or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
To create a production version of your app:
npm run build
You can preview the production build with npm run preview
To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.