swheel Svelte Themes


☸Ultimate svelte router


Declarative component-based svelte 3 router.



npm i --save swheel


<Router />

Should be placed on the top of your application. Applies special listener for every <a> element and initializes routing state for application's tree.

Uses browser history API.

<MemoryRouter />

The same as <Router> but uses in-memory history API.

getHistory: Function

Function that returns object of helper functions to work with history.

This function should be called in the component's initialization step bacause Router and MemoryRouter uses svelte's context API as a core approach


Name Arguments Description
push path: String Push path to the history
replace path: String Replace path in the current state of the history
back - Move back in the history
forward - Move forward in the history


Name Subject Description
currentPath currentPath: String Current path in history
(<MemoryRouter> only)
{ stack, hasNext, hasPrev } Set of fields with memory histories' metadata

Svelte action. Allows to control active class (show/hide it) in case of matching href attribute with current path of history. Active class name should be defined explicitly to be compiled with svelte.

Ex. <a use:navLink={{ exact: true, activeClass: 'active' }} class="active" href="/path" />


Name Type Default / required Description
exact Boolean false If pathes should have exactly matches
activeClass String 'active' Class name that will be assigned in case of pathes matches

<Route />

Specifies your route configuration.

It is possible to define nested to routes.
In this case all pathes will calculate relatively the parent path.
Ex. If parent route defined as <Route path="/parent" /> and child as <Route path="/child" /> - in this case nested route will be resolved by path /parent/child.

Prop Type Default / required Description
path String required

Path to access the route.

Could be defined as template with required and optional parameters (ex. /pokemon/:id).

If path matched than parameters passing inside components from lazy or component as property (ex. export let id) or could be accessed from let:params and passed to the slot.

let:params Object null

Parameters resolved from path

exact Boolean false

Detects if path should have exactly matches

when Boolean true

Detects if route is using in current flow

component SvelteComponent null

Renders in case if path matched

lazy () => Promise<SvelteComponent> null

Function that returns promise that resolving the Svelte component

Loading starts only on the first route matching and after that component will cache

throttle Number 0

Uses in a couple with lazy.

Determines minimal time (in ms) which component will not be displayed.

Necessary for preventing flash effect when switching pending state to component.

<slot /> SvelteSlot -

Renders in the case if lazy or component props was't defined

<slot name="pending" /> SvelteSlot -

Renders when component from lazy field is loading

<slot name="catch" /> SvelteSlot -

Renders when component from lazy field is failed to load

<Layout />

Provides the possibility to declaratively define layouts around the group of routes and will be rendered only in the case if any path of these routes matches.

Prop Type Default / required Description
component SvelteComponent required Layout component that wraps the group of routes. <slot/> content of <Layout> will be passed to it. Renders only in case if any path of inner routes matches.
when Boolean true

Detects if layout and it routes' group is using in current flow

<slot /> SvelteSlot -

Will be passed to the component.

<HashRoute />

Extends <Route> without path property and expands with own ones.

Route that displays content, when history hash (#) matches.

Prop Type Default / required Description
hash String required Should start with #
let:removeHash Function - Passes to component or lazy as property.
Function that allows to remove hash from history.
Usefull in a couple with modals etc.

<Fallback />

Extends <Route> without path property.

Renders component from lazy, component or <slot /> if any defined route wasn't rendered.
Usefull for 404 (NotFound) pages.

<Redirect />

Determines overriding of current location.
Nested redirect will define from path relatively to the parent route's path.

Prop Type Default / required Description
to String required Defines path to which redirect in case of from matched
from String '*' Determines the path that should be overrided.
If * specified than redirect will be triggered from path that doesn't matched for any route.
exact Boolean false Detects if path of from property should have exactly matches

<BeforeLeave />

Provides possibility to prevent leaving from the page.

Usefull if there is a form on the page and in the case of it's filled to prevent leaving.

Prop Type Default / required Description
shouldDetectLeave Boolean true Detects if leaving should be detected
let:isLeaving Boolean true Detects if user trying to leave the page
let:cancelLeave Function - Cancel transition from the page
let:acceptLeave Function - Accept transition from the page. User will be moved to the page where he tried to go before.
<slot /> SvelteSlot - Child content of the component

<Protected />

Protects displaying of nested routes. If routes was wrapped with some content before - it (content) will be displayed in any case. Uses as an abstraction for <Layout /> but could be usefull in some special cases.

Prop Type Default / required Description
when Boolean true Detects if routes should be displayed in the subtree


  1. Recipe for SSR
  2. Unit tests
  3. Typings

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