template.web.sveltekitless Svelte Themes


strater template with the following: svelte + vite + routify + windicss (tailwindcss) + i18n + typescript

Svelte Kitless

I like svelte-kit very much but when i stumble upon css frameworks or bundlers or any library online i find guides for either sveltekit or sveltejs or both, so i've decided to use recreate the sveltekit ecosystem with sveltejs to have a broader (if not full) control over the dev environment.


# clone or install .zip manually
$ npx degit onettmecha/template-svelte-kitless my-template
# move into directory
$ cd my-template
# launch project
## yarn
$ yarn && yarn dev
## npm
$ npm i && npm run dev
## pnpm
$ pnpm i && pnpm dev

What's In It

WindiCSS (Tailwindcss compiler)
Remix Icon
Color Pallets

Developer Notes


I like my projects' roots clean and contain only the config files that cannot exist in a sub-folder, also i like function descriptive folder names, that's why this starter is structured like this.

If you wish to add new folders like: services or any other i recommend doing so within src directory as it would keep everything together, neat and straight forward.

This way allows for sub-modules to exist in the root directory easily and ease integration with other libraries, also, helps focus on tasks in large projects.


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