rizki-svelte-portfolio Svelte Themes

Rizki Svelte Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio repository! This SvelteKit-based web app highlights my expertise in AI, ML, and product management through a clean, dynamic design.

Rizki's Svelte-based Personal portfolio website

Welcome to my portfolio repository! This project showcases my work, skills, and professional journey, presented through a clean and dynamic web app built with SvelteKit. This portfolio is based on a simple template from here.

This website serves as a central hub for highlighting my expertise in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and product management.

What's included?

1. Skills: A comprehensive list of programming languages, libraries, frameworks, cloud platforms, and general skills I've developed over the years.

2. Products / Projects: An overview of past and current products and projects I've worked on.

3. Experience: My professional career history.

4. Education: Institutions where I pursued my degrees.

5. Resume: View or download my most recent CV.

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