
🚀 Vite + Svelte Tampermonkey boilerplate

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  1. src/header.js can edit tampermonkey header info


  1. npm install
  2. npm run dev
  3. Copy dist/ to tampermonkey
  4. Visit 百度,you can see the effect in the upper right corner
    • Every time you modify the code, it will be hot updated. You only need to refresh the page


  1. npm run build
  2. Release dist/main.user.js


Why Vite + Svelte ?

  1. "no runtime" and The file size is small enough to meet the script release requirements
  2. Tree Shaking
  3. The responsive provided by Svelte fully meets the needs of script development
  4. Rollup packaging is fast
  5. More...

Why Not TypeScript ?

  1. This is not absolute. Of course, you can use ts
  2. Scripts often iterate very fast. In most cases, using TS will only increase the mental burden
  3. Reduce unnecessary trouble and make development more flexible

Why design the directory structure like this

  1. In order to meet most of the needs
  2. Facilitate the decoupling of all modules without affecting each other's development

Directory Structure

    │  └─www  
    │      └─packages
    │          └─TestA
    │              ├─apis
    │              ├─components
    │              └─views

Development Suggestions

  1. The folders under pages are recommended to be classified according to the secondary domain name, for example:
  2. If you need a responsive div, create a new svelte file under views to write it
  3. In other cases, you can write JS files normally

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