Project name: svelte-konva

Please refer to <root>/package.json for relevant information such as version, deps, etc.


Konva.js is Canvas API framework, which already has wrappers for React, Vue, but there is no (proper?) Svelte wrapper for Konva.js at least at the time of publishing this . This is it – it's time Svelte for Konva to manifest : just like React, Vue, we can (AND) will take advantage of Svelte for its simplicity, built-in state management with svelte/store, etc.;

Please keep in mind, I am starting the project as solo initially, but may accept any PR request in the future .

A manual linking recipe :

In order to import it through local npm registry (due to package incompleteness, this is not yet publicly available on remote npm registry]), please follow the procedure :

BARE IN MIND this is minimum ./vite.config.js requirement, mainly based on this documentation

// we consider this file is located at <root>/ [aka process.cwd()]
  build: {
    /** @param {outDir} is optional, default is <root>/dist */
    outDir: resolve(__dirname, 'src/svelte-konva-linked/'), 
    lib: {
      /** @param {entry} it consider that 'src/exports_main.js' contains minimum exports to make sure it would work in Svelte (Svelte is significantly fussy at it)  */
      entry: resolve(__dirname, 'src/exports_main.js'),
      formats: ['es'],
      fileName: 'index'

1.1 consider the provided build object configuration depicted in this file just above (also can be found at <root>/vite.config.js directory), run npm run build or npx vite bundle to bundle files to src/svelte-konva-linked ;
1.2 copy _package.json to src/svelte-konva-linked via your OS-specific GUI | command-line (Bash) : cp _package.json src/svelte-konva-linked ;
2.1 navigate directory via File Explorer or relevant on your OS-specific GUI | command-line (Bash) : cd src/svelte-konva-linked i.e. the directory you just have moved the _package.json to ;
2.2 rename ./_package.json to ./package.json within the current directory | command-line (Bash) : mv ./_package.json ./package.json ;
3.1 run the command npm linkkeep it mind there is no GUI equivalent to this specific step ! : the command creates a symlink (aka shortcut in Windows land) putting it at directory of cd $(npm root -g);
3.2 run the command npm link svelte-konva-localkeep it mind there is no GUI equivalent to this specific step ! : the command creates (binds) the recently created symlink at cd $(npm root -g) by taking it out and putting to the project's <root>/node_modules directory as if it would be installed via npm i svelte-konva-local ;
3.3 this branch provides you with src/lib/imports_App.svelte that if properly examined contains, the following:

    /** @SUMMARY 
     * thanks to steps followed above we can import it as if downloaded library (refer to ^1 a few lines below within this snippet) : the 'svelte-konva-local' could be just 'svelte-konva', but I deliberately did suffix with -local to emphasize the manual linkage (import from) within local npm registry !
    import Svelte_Konva from 'svelte-konva-local'; /* ^1 */

    const {SvelteKonva, ComponentLinker} = Svelte_Konva;

    const {
        SvelteKonva〵Essentials: { kStage, kLayer, kGroup, }, 
        SvelteKonva〵Primitives: { kText } 
    } = SvelteKonva;

Hopefully, it works just fine, otherwise please raise an issue on this repo . Cheers !

Live demo

Regards, Lukas Gaucas (github@projektorius96)

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