property_pulse_v2 Svelte Themes


A property listing website built using SvelteKit, Supabase, Auth.js, TailwindCSS, DaisyUI, Svelte-Cloudinary and Svelte-French-Toast

PropertyPulse: A Modern Property Listing Website


PropertyPulse is a full-stack property listing website built with cutting-edge technologies to provide a seamless user experience for both property owners and seekers.

Tech Stack

  • SvelteKit - A lightning-fast framework for building performant and interactive web applications.
  • Supabase - A powerful backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform for managing user authentication, databases, and storage.
  • TailwindCSS - A utility-first CSS framework that offers rapid and responsive UI development.
  • Daisy-UI - A collection of reusable UI components for a consistent and modern look and feel.
  • Cloudinary - A cloud-based platform for image and vido management.
  • Auth.js - A potential library or custom implementation for user login, registration, and authorization (replace with the specific library you used).
  • Svelte-French-Toast - A simple-to-use toast notification system for Svelte.


  • Listings Management: Property owners can easily create, edit, and manage their property listings on the platform.
  • Search: Users can filter properties based on location and property type.
  • Listings Display: Showcase properties with appealing visuals, detailed descriptions, and key features.
  • User Accounts: Users can create accounts to contact property owners, or potentially submit rental applications.
  • Communication: Implement user authentication (Auth.js) to enable secure communication between property owners and seekers.

Inspiration and Learning Journey

Two months ago, I took Brad Traversy's ( Next.js course, where he built a property listing website called "PropertyPulse". Leveraging the valuable insights I gained, I decided to embark on my own learning journey by recreating the application using SvelteKit.

Through the development process, I encountered new challenges and broadened my skillset in data fetching, state management, routing, server side rendering, server side form validation, authentication and much more. I'm grateful to Brad Traversy for his contribution to my growth as a developer.

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