convex-sveltekit-todo-app Svelte Themes

Convex Sveltekit Todo App

This app demonstrates how to implement CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in a modularized way using Convex.

Convex Todo App (Svelte Quickstart)

This project is a simple todo application built with SvelteKit and Convex, a type-safe backend-as-a-service (BaaS). It demonstrates how to implement CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in a modular way using Convex.

For more information, refer to the official Convex documentation.

1. Create a SvelteKit App

Run the following command to create a new SvelteKit app:

npx sv create

Follow these steps in the setup prompts:

  • Where would you like your project to be created?
    Enter a directory name (e.g., my-app) or hit Enter for the current directory.
  • Which template would you like?
    Select SvelteKit minimal.
  • Add type checking with TypeScript?
    Choose Yes, using TypeScript syntax.
  • What would you like to add to your project?
    Skip this prompt by hitting Enter.
  • Which package manager do you want to install dependencies with?
    For this guide, we'll use npm.

2. Install Convex Libraries

Navigate to your project directory and install the required Convex packages:

cd my-app && npm install convex convex-svelte

3. Configure Convex Path

Create a convex.json file to set the Convex functions directory within src/:

  "functions": "src/convex/"

4. Set Up a Convex Dev Deployment

Run the following command:

npx convex dev

This will prompt you to log in with GitHub, create a project, and save your production and deployment URLs. A convex/ folder will be created for your backend API functions. The dev command syncs your functions with your cloud dev deployment.

5. Add Sample Data to the Database

Create a sampleData.jsonl file with the following content:

{"text": "Buy groceries", "isCompleted": true}
{"text": "Go for a swim", "isCompleted": true}
{"text": "Integrate Convex", "isCompleted": false}

Import the data into the database:

npx convex import --table tasks sampleData.jsonl

6. Create a clientStore

Set up a store to manage the Convex client:

// src/lib/stores/clientStore.svelte.ts
import { ConvexClient } from "convex/browser";

interface ClientStore {
  value: ConvexClient | null;

export let clientStore = $state<ClientStore>({ value: null });

7. Initialize Convex in the Layout

Add Convex setup to your layout:

<script lang="ts">
  // src/routes/+layout.svelte
  import { PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL } from "$env/static/public";
  import { clientStore } from "$lib/stores/clientStore.svelte";
  import { setupConvex, useConvexClient } from "convex-svelte";

  const { children } = $props();


  clientStore.value = useConvexClient();

  {@render children()}

  main {
    min-height: 100dvh;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

8. Define the Database Schema

Create a schema for the tasks table:

// src/convex/schema.ts
import { defineSchema, defineTable } from "convex/server";
import { v } from "convex/values";

export default defineSchema({
  tasks: defineTable({
    text: v.string(),
    isCompleted: v.boolean(),

9. Implement Queries and Mutations

Write backend functions for managing tasks:

// src/convex/tasks.ts
import { query, mutation } from "./_generated/server";
import { v } from "convex/values";

export const getTasks = query({
  handler: async (ctx) => ctx.db.query("tasks").collect(),

export const addTask = mutation({
  args: { text: v.string(), isCompleted: v.boolean() },
  handler: async (ctx, { text, isCompleted }) => {
    await ctx.db.insert("tasks", { text, isCompleted });

export const editTask = mutation({
  args: { id:"tasks") },
  handler: async (ctx, { id }) => {
    const task = await ctx.db.get(id);
    await ctx.db.patch(id, { isCompleted: !task?.isCompleted });

export const deleteTask = mutation({
  args: { id:"tasks") },
  handler: async (ctx, { id }) => {
    await ctx.db.delete(id);

10. Write Reusable Functions for Mutations

Create utility functions for frontend task operations:

// src/lib/db/index.ts
import { api } from "$convex/_generated/api.js";
import { clientStore } from "$lib/stores/clientStore.svelte.js";

export function addTask(text: string) {
  clientStore.value?.mutation(api.tasks.addTask, { text, isCompleted: false });

export function editTask(id) {
  clientStore.value?.mutation(api.tasks.editTask, { id });

export function deleteTask(id) {
  clientStore.value?.mutation(api.tasks.deleteTask, { id });

11. Build the Task Form Component

Create a form for adding tasks:

<script lang="ts">
  // src/lib/components/CreateNewTask.svelte
  import { addTask } from "$lib/db/index.js";
  let newTask = $state("");
  function handleSubmit(event: Event) {
    newTask = "";

<form onsubmit={handleSubmit}>
  <input type="text" bind:value={newTask} placeholder="New Task" />
  <button type="submit">Add</button>

12. Display Tasks in Your App

Render tasks in the UI:

<script lang="ts">
  // src/routes/+page.svelte
  import { useQuery } from "convex-svelte";
  import { api } from "$convex/_generated/api.js";
  import { editTask, deleteTask } from "$lib/db/index.js";
  import CreateNewTask from "$lib/components/CreateNewTask.svelte";

  const getTasksQuery = useQuery(api.tasks.getTasks, {});

{#if getTasksQuery.isLoading}
{:else if getTasksQuery.error}
  <p>Error: {getTasksQuery.error.message}</p>
  <CreateNewTask />
    {#each as task (task._id)}
          onchange={() => editTask(task._id)}
        <button onclick={() => deleteTask(task._id)}>Delete</button>

13. Start the app

Run the following command:

npm run dev

Start the app, open http://localhost:5173 in a browser, and see the list of tasks.

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