
A Svelte component to write Markdown easily - directly inside the tag!

This solution is NOT RECOMMENDED for reasons stated below.

Using {@html marked('# markdown')} is a more robust solution for writing Markdown.


        import Md from 'svelte-md';

        # Hello world!
        This is my Markdown code. Isn't it cool!

        The normal indentation level is based on the second line ('This is my MarkDown... etc').

        We can do lists:
        * a
        * b
        * c

        And **bold** or *italics* or ~~strikethrough~~ text.

        Adding indentation makes a code block (though I recommend using triple tilde).

        Backquotes do not work. This might be because Svelte does not like seeing
        the '&gt;' character in your code.


Svelte control statements

Svelte control statements do not create text which is parsable.

For example:

{#each ['a', 'b', 'c] as e}
    * {e}

Produces childNodes ["List:", "* ", "a", "* ", "b", "* ", "c", "End."] instead of the desired, ["List:\n * a\n * b\n * c\nEnd."].

An 'each' loop creates a seperate childNode for each word, and does not retain whitespace information.

(Note: a childNode is seperated by either HTML tags or Svelte control statements)

Backquotes are broken

Backquotes do not work.

This might be because Svelte does not like seeing the > character in the middle of your HTML tags.


There are likely other problems not mentioned. Have not explored thoroughly.

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