svelte-material-symbols Svelte Themes

Svelte Material Symbols

Small package for convenient usage Google Material Symbols in your Svelte project.

Svelte Material Symbols

Small package for convenient usage Google Material Symbols in your Svelte project.



npm i svelte-material-symbols


For avoid hardcoding icon names, I recommend using google-icon-names package:

npm i google-icon-names

Google icons require special fonts to work, so you can add them to your app.html manually or just use <HeadLinks /> component provided by package.

Finally, implementation in your project may look like:

// <Your component>.svelte
    import { HeadLinks, MaterialSymbol } from 'svelte-material-symbols';
    import { msStar } from 'google-icon-names';

<HeadLinks />
<button style="display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 8px">
    <MaterialSymbol name={msStar} type="rounded" filled />
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