shadcn-svelte-snippets Svelte Themes

Shadcn Svelte Snippets

Collection of VSCode style snippets for shadcn-svelte

Snippets for shadcn-svelte

Collection of snippets for shadcn-svelte-next. Courtesy of selemondev's vscode-shadcn-svelte


I like shadcn-svelte and neovim, and I need snippets to go fast!


Snippet Description
cni-[component] Adds imports for the component
cnx-[component] Adds markup for the component


Any plugin manager will work. I use Lazy.nvim with LuaSnip. Don't hesitate to contribute with instructions on how to use your preffered plugin manager/snippet engine.


{ "phishbacon/shadcn-svelte-snippets" }

[!WARNING] If you're using LuaSnip make sure to use require("luasnip.loaders.from_vscode").lazy_load(), and add shadcn-svelte-snippets as a dependency for LuaSnip, otherwise snippets might not be detected. If you don't use lazy_load() you might notice a slower startup-time

  dependencies = { "phishbacon/shadcn-svelte-snippets" },

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