A Svelte preprocessor that allows to add a suffix to every class The svelte scoped class mechanism works great to prevent our component classes to mess with other css on the page. Adding a random suffix to the classes prevent the contrary case, when css on the page interferes with your components css.
My use case was the creation of a widget with a modal popup on non svelte websites, classes names like button or modal were already being used on some of those websites and clashed with my own
The library is a preprocessor that for now takes a simple parameter, it's the value to append to every css class
if you use any kind of preprocessing you will need to use svelte-sequential-preprocessor
Using npm:
$ npm i -D svelte-sequential-preprocessor
and svelte-sequential-preprocessor
import sveltePreprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';
import seqPreprocessor from 'svelte-sequential-preprocessor';
import cssScoper from 'svelte-css-scoper';
export default {
input: 'src/main.ts',
output: {
sourcemap: true,
format: 'iife',
name: 'app',
file: `public/app.js`
plugins: [
preprocess: seqPreprocessor([sveltePreprocess(), cssScoper({ staticSuffix: '-QWERTY'})])
let error = false;
let isValid = true;
let rounded = true;
<div class="button {rounded ? 'btn-rounded' : 'btn-squared'}" class:error class:roundedError={rounded && error}>
test 1 2 3
.error {}
.btn-rounded {}
.btn-squared {}
.button {}
.roundedError {}
let error = false;
let isValid = true;
let rounded = true;
<div class="button-QWERTY {(rounded ? 'btn-rounded' : 'btn-squared') + '-QWERTY'}" class:error-QWERTY={error} class:roundedError-QWERTY={rounded && error}>
test 1 2 3
.error-QWERTY {}
.btn-rounded-QWERTY {}
.btn-squared-QWERTY {}
.button-QWERTY {}
.roundedError-QWERTY {}