UIKITAtomicDesign Svelte Themes


Atomic Design Pattern : Native Liquid / Svelte / Vue


UI Kit Documents Use in Globals and Customized Scoped Components



Why UIKIT Even if you are using a vanilla framework. UIKIT lets you wrap vertical and horizontal nested uk-grid and uk-flex

It is a GREAT resolve for wrapping legacy Bootstrap 3 Templates that do not Flex Vertical Heights.

Also use if you have naming collision for Legacy Angular Name / Scoped UI conflicts

uk-flex uk-grid

data can side load as inline script functions javascript modifiers

Works GREAT with VUE that can be native / liquid Shopify "legacy" Themes UIKIT Modules

Modules include Animation with Easing without need to install additional scripts Animation/Parralax


Audio/Media players Vanilla/JS Media Component with Playback UX

Modules include responsive Media Containers that can load conditional loading logic and JSON LD data tracking Media with Structured Data

Iframe / 100% Vertical Framing allows for import of Embedded API content without UI/UX disruption. Cross Browser script can be side loaded into the with data modifier

Use with Svelte Context and Data Binding

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