SvelteKit-E-Commerce-Application Svelte Themes

Sveltekit E Commerce Application

SvelteKit E-Commerce Application

This project is a modern e-commerce application built with SvelteKit, featuring a user-friendly interface, dynamic product listings, and secure API integration for handling orders, reviews, and cart functionalities. The project is designed with Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) principles in mind, ensuring an optimal user experience.


  • Dynamic product listings with ratings and reviews

  • Order tracking with a progress bar for statuses

  • Secure login and token-based authentication

  • API integration for fetching products, orders, and handling reviews

  • Toast notifications for user feedback

  • Adaptive design for mobile and desktop devices

  • Environment configuration with .env support

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: SvelteKit

  • API: REST APIs for products, orders, and reviews

  • Styling: Tailwind CSS

  • Environment Management: .env file for configurable URLs

Getting Started


Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (v16 or later)

  • npm or yarn


1. Clone the repository:

git clone

cd sveltekit-ecommerce

2. Install dependencies:

npm install

3. Create a .env file in the root directory:


4. Run the development server:

npm run dev

5. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173.

Folder Structure


├── lib/

│   ├── api/        # API integration files (e.g., productsApi.ts, ratingsApi.ts)

│   ├── components/ # Reusable UI components (e.g., Navbar, StatusBar)

├── routes/         # Application pages

│   ├── +layout.svelte  # Global layout file

│   ├── +page.svelte    # Homepage

│   ├── products/       # Product pages

│   ├── orders/         # Order pages

├── app.css         # Global styles

Environment Variables

| Key | Description | Example |


| VITE_API_BASE_URL | Base URL for API requests | |


| Command | Description |


| npm run dev | Start the development server |

| npm run build | Build the application for production |

| npm run preview | Preview the production build |

API Endpoints


  • GET /products: Fetch all products

  • GET /products/:id: Fetch product details


  • GET /orders: Fetch all orders for the user

  • POST /orders: Create a new order


  • POST /ratings/:productId: Submit a product review

  • GET /ratings/:productId: Fetch all reviews for a product

Customizing the Project

  • Update src/lib/api/ to modify API integration

  • Edit src/routes/ to add or customize pages

  • Adjust src/app.css or add more styles using Tailwind CSS

Known Issues

1. Token Expiry: Ensure valid tokens are used, as expired tokens result in authentication errors

2. API Connectivity: Verify the VITE_API_BASE_URL in .env for API connection


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Special thanks to:

  • SvelteKit for its modern and performant framework

  • Tailwind CSS for simplifying responsive design

  • All contributors for making this project better

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