
Svelte Typewriter Store

A custom store for svelte to easily get a typewriter effect.


The simplest way to get a rotating typewriter effect in svelte.


Contributions are always welcome!

For the moment there's no code of conduct neither a contributing guideline but if you found a problem or have an idea feel free to open an issue

If you want the fastest way to open a PR try out Codeflow



Install svelte-typewriter-store with npm

  npm install svelte-typewriter-store@latest -D


Simply import the typewriter function from the package and create a readable store like this

    import { typewriter } from "svelte-typewriter-store";
    //the list of words you want to cycle through
    const words = ["one", "two", "three"];
    //the typing speed
    const speed = 100;
    //how much you want to wait between words
    const wordWait = 1500;
    let wordStore = typewriter(words, speed, wordWait);
    //you can add a listener on the letter:add, letter:remove or on 
    //the completed word you can later remove them with
    wordStore.on("letter:add", (addedLetter)=>{
        console.log(`Just added the letter ${addedLetter}`);
    wordStore.on("letter:remove", (removedLetter)=>{
        console.log(`Just removed the letter ${removedLetter}`);
    wordStore.on("word", (word)=>{
        console.log(`Just finished typing the word ${word}`);

<button on:click={async ()=>{
    //you can add new words with 
    const [word] = await fetch("")
        .then(res => res.json());
    Add word

<button on:click={async ()=>{
    //you can remove a word
    Remove first word

<button on:click={async ()=>{
    //you can filter a word
    wordStore.filter((word)=> word.length > 5);
    Filter length > 5

    <!-- Simply print the store to get the effect -->
    The current word is: {$wordStore}

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