personal-website-svelte Svelte Themes

Personal Website Svelte

A personal website built with SvelteKit, TailwindCSS and DaisyUI, featuring a minimalist design with a blog, projects showcase, tag-based filtering, and a contact form. Markdown-powered content, HTTPS-ready, and deployed on Cloudflare Workers.

Personal Website with SvelteKit and TailwindCSS

This is my personal website project built using SvelteKit and Tailwind CSS, designed for speed, minimalism, and SEO-friendliness. It serves as my blog and portfolio.

Branch Structure

  • main → The live version of my personal website.
  • develop → A branch for experimenting with new features.
  • tutorial → The outcome of my step-by-step tutorial series.

Tutorial Series

If you'd like to build a similar website and familiarize yourself with Svelte(Kit) and TailwindCSS, follow my step-by-step guide:

  1. Step 1: Set Up the Project
  2. Step 2: Install and Configure DaisyUI
  3. Step 3: Build the Home Page
  4. Step 4: Build the Blog and Projects Pages
  5. Step 5: Build the Post Content Page
  6. Step 6: Add Transitions and SEO
  7. Step 7: Deploy on Cloudflare Workers


  • Fast, Accessible and SEO-Friendly - 100/100 score on PageSpeed Insights.
  • Tailwind CSS – Minimal, clean, and responsive styling.
  • UI Animations – Leveraging SvelteKit’s built-in transitions.
  • Client-Side Routing (CSR) – Once the website loads, navigation happens instantly with fewer server requests.
  • Tag Filtering – Posts (blog articles and projects) can be filtered by tags.
  • Markdown Support – Posts are simple .md files.

Installation & Running Locally

Clone the repository, install dependencies, and start the development server:

git clone
cd personal-website-svelte
npm install
npm run dev

You can find all the npm commands in package.json.


The theme of this website was inspired by:

Also a special thanks to the Svelte Discord server and of course, the open-source community, as many open-source tools were used to build this website.



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