svelte-fund-me Svelte Themes

Svelte Fund Me

Web interface to the Cyfrin "FundMe" smart contract, made with Svelte

Svelte FundMe

Web interface for interacting with the FundMe smart contract.


  • Made with Svelte, an amazing component framework.
  • Responsive-first design.
  • Metamask integration.
  • Display account roles and amount funded by funder accounts.
  • Seamlessly connect, disconnect and switch accounts without refreshing.
  • Notifications for transaction status, including confirmations and errors.
  • Crowdfunding funds automatically refresh on user transactions.
  • Improved development experience with Husky, ESLint and Prettier.

A video showcasing the interface functionality can be found here.

Getting started

IMPORTANT: If you intend to use the interface with a different contract address in Ethereum Sepolia, Ethereum Mainnet or Anvil, see Using your own contract down below.


  • pnpm (recommended ^8.0.0)).

Building from sources

Run the following commands in the root directory of the repository:

pnpm install
pnpm build

Running the interface

To open the web interface, navigate to the generated dist/ directory and serve the files using the web server of your choice.

For local access, the simplest way of deploying it would be to run:

pnpm preview

then access to the interface exposed in http://localhost:4173/.

Using your own contract

In order to use your own contract, replace the CONTRACT_ADDRESS constant in src/lib/constants.ts with the address of the desired contract.

Ensure that the ABI is compatible to the one already configured in the project, CONTRACT_ABI located also in the same file.

Currently supported chains are:

  • Ethereum - Mainnet.
  • Ethereum - Sepolia.
  • Anvil (or any other custom networks that use 1337 as chain ID).


Huge thanks to Patrick Collins and Cyfrin for their free, high quality educational resources.

If this project helped you, feel free to share it to your friends and colleagues, or even donate!

Donation address (Ethereum/Arbitrum/Optimism/zkEVM): 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266

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