is a Babel plugin that lets you use a Svelte like syntax with Solid (a React version is a WIP).
import { $ } from 'babel-plugin-reactivars-solid'
const getDouble = ({ $sig }) =>
({ $doubled: $([
() => $sig * 2,
newVal => $sig = newVal / 2
const CounterChild = ({ $doubleCount }) =>
<button onClick={() => $doubleCount++}>
{$doubleCount} (click to add 0.5 to count)
const CounterParent = () => {
let $count = 0
let { $doubled: $doubleCount } = getDouble({ $sig: $count })
const incrementCount = () => $doubleCount += 2
return <>
<button onClick={incrementCount}>
<CounterChild {...{ $doubleCount }} />
I'm probably going to make some relatively significant changes to this plugin soon.
I think that I can probably remove some of the complexity and noise with the object literals and destructuring based syntax. Maybe I can even completely remove this whole syntax altogether which will drastically simplify this plugin.
I also think that I can make the read only and write only APIs a lot more consistet with the main syntax.
This can potentially produce significant imporvements to this plugin. Stay tuned!
Disclaimer: this plugin doesn't have any known bugs at the moment, but is still not ready for production use. If you find any bugs please open an issue.
npm i -D babel-plugin-reactivars-solid @rollup/plugin-babel
Example config:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import solidPlugin from 'vite-plugin-solid';
import { babel } from '@rollup/plugin-babel';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
plugins: [
["@babel/plugin-syntax-typescript", { isTSX: true }],
extensions: [".tsx"]
enforce: 'pre'
build: {
target: 'esnext',
polyfillDynamicImport: false,
const y = () => x + 1; console.log(y() + 1)
could become const $y = x + 1; console.log($y + 1)
) and wrapped setters (const setY = y => setX(y + 1); setY(1)
could become let $y = y => $x = y + 1; $y = 1
). This will help this plugin become more of a consistent language where every reactive value is either a $
prefixed reactive variable/property (reactive property = x.$y
) or a property on a JS object / proxy (this should usually appear in props and stores) as well as consistent write syntax for non-store signals. Messing with TS extensions could potentially unlock even better possibilities and it's something I need to explore and think about more, but I really want that additional consistancy which I don't think we can achieve without extending TS, so this alone might be a reason to cross this boundary.$
label for effects