cascade-svelte Svelte Themes

Cascade Svelte

Drag and drop builder for Revenue Sharing Language agreements written Svelte JS.

Cascade Svelte

Drag and drop builder for Revenue Sharing Language agreements written in Svelte JS.

by Rich Lott, Mark Boas and Nicol Wistreich. Copyright Netribution Ltd 2022, licensed under AGPL.

CSS Mapping

This was originally built for the CiviSplit CiviCRM extension, integrating with Bootstrap 3. To keep the standalone Cascade intact, and avoid a weighty Bootstrap dependency for this distribution, the non-CiviCRM specific JS is kept in cascade-standalone.js.

This includes css-framework mapping classnames, so if you want to integrate this with other CSS frameworks, you can just change those names. So, for instance, to integrate this with Bootstrap, you'd use (something like) these mappings instead and load bootstrap.css in the head:

cssClassMap: {
      'agreement-name': 'col-sm-8',
      'agreement-description': 'col-sm-5',
      'agreement-group-1': '',
      'agreement-address': 'col-sm-3',
      'agreement-contact-name': 'col-sm-2',
      'agreement-email': 'col-sm-2',
      'form-inner-div': 'panel panel-default',
      'agreement-limit': 'panel panel-default',
      'limit-repeat': 'col-sm-3',
      'limit-unit': 'col-sm-3',
      'limit-start': 'col-sm-3',
      'limit-end': 'col-sm-3',
      'half' : 'col-sm-6',
      'halfish' : 'col-sm-6',
      'quarter' : 'col-sm-3',
      'tiny-column' : 'col-sm-2',
      'agreement-limit': 'limit-fieldset',
      'panel-heading': 'panel-heading',
      'panel-body': 'panel-body padding0top',
      'step-container': 'panel panel-default',
      'step-heading': 'panel-heading',
      'button-one': 'btn btn-primary crm-button',
      'button-two': 'btn btn-success crm-button',
      'button-alert': 'btn btn-warning crm-button',
      'icon-trash': 'crm-i fa-trash',
      'icon-edit': 'crm-i fa-edit',
      'icon-info': 'crm-i fa-info-circle',
      'icon-drag': 'crm-i fa-arrows-alt',
      'icon-tick': 'crm-i fa-check',
      'icon-add': 'crm-i fa-plus-circle',

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